It has come to light that a male concertgoer in Utah on October 4th assaulted many female concertgoers while Paramore was performing there.

Paramore said after their show: “At last night’s show in SLC, we were made aware of an incident that happened in the crowd while we were on stage. A man physically and verbally assaulted multiple women, including an engaged couple at our show. Our security team and venue staff were made aware and were able to restrain and remove him.”

“We did not realise this was happening, as the incident took place out of view from stage. Had we seen any of this happening, we would have stopped the show until the situation was under control.”

“PARAMORE DOES NOT CONDONE violence, homophobia, or bigotry of any kind. It is supremely unwelcome in our community and has no place at our shows. To the fans who were hurt by or who witnessed what happened last night, we are so sorry. We hope that you know we will always do anything we can to protect you and make you feel celebrated.”

“To make things as clear as possible: Paramore shows are meant to be a safe place for people. If you can’t respect that do not come. (sic)”

George Millington