In a recent interview with Variety magazine for their ‘Power of Women’ issue, Billie Eilish, the chart-topping ‘Bad Guy’ singer, did not hold back in expressing her frustration with the pervasive double standard when it comes to discussions about body image.

The 21-year-old artist, who graced the cover of the magazine, took issue with what she perceives as an unfair emphasis on women’s bodies in the media. Eilish passionately voiced her concerns, stating, “Nobody ever says a thing about men’s bodies. If you’re muscular, cool. If you’re not, cool. If you’re rail thin, cool. If you have a dad bod, cool. If you’re pudgy, love it! Everybody’s happy with it.”

The Grammy-winning artist went on to highlight the apparent disparity between how the public and the media scrutinize and comment on the physical appearance of male and female figures in the spotlight. Eilish’s bold stance challenges societal norms and underscores the need for a more inclusive and accepting conversation around body positivity.

George Millington