‘LONG LOST GHOST’ by Blood Red Shoes – Single Rating: 3/5 ★★★☆☆

‘Long Lost Ghost’ by Blood Red Shoes is an interesting track that evokes a sense of ’90s nostalgia with a modern twist. This English alternative rock duo, consisting of Laura-Mary Carter and Steven Ansell, has a solid musical history, having released several albums and EPs.

The song kicks off with a melancholic tone as Carter’s vocals convey a feeling of longing and repetition in the lyrics. While the track maintains a consistent mood throughout, it never quite reaches a full-blown climax, which may leave some listeners wanting more dynamics in the arrangement.

One notable aspect is the song’s use of electronic elements atop a strong drum foundation. These elements add depth to the track’s atmosphere and contribute to its haunting quality. Also, Carter’s vocals are emotionally charged and effectively convey the sentiments of the lyrics. Her delivery captures the essence of unrequited love and emotional turmoil, drawing the listener into the narrative.

‘Long Lost Ghost’ may not be everyone’s cup of tea, as its unchanging mood might feel somewhat monotonous. But, it’s essential to appreciate it for its consistent atmosphere rather than expecting a dynamic journey. The song’s ’90s vibes and emotional depth are its strengths, but its lack of variation might limit its appeal.

Overall, ‘Long Lost Ghost’ is a respectable addition to Blood Red Shoes’ repertoire, showcasing their nostalgic sound and emotional depth. While it may not be a standout track for everyone, it certainly has its merits. Also, it will find its audience among those who appreciate its unique mood and lyrical themes.

You can take a listen to ‘LONG LOST GHOST‘ by Blood Red Shoes below. Also, be sure to let us know your thoughts to this new release by commenting beneath this article. As always, we love to hear your feedback.

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Becky Anderson