King Of Sweden’ by Future Islands – Single Rating: 4/5 ★★★☆

Future Islands, the American Indie synth-pop outfit, deliver the easy to get lost in 2022 feel-good with their new track, ‘King Of Sweden.’ The latest release from the Baltimore band is just what we need right now!

A quirky synth lead opens the music in a quintessential Future Islands manner. It leads to an instantly catchy foot-tapping drum beat. The synth pulses away in the background before meeting a second synth later, laying the stage for Samuel T. Herring’s main vocal. Samuel is in spectacular vocal form, and his exhilarating singing approach interlocks with the track’s plethora of electronic and indie elements, which add to the track’s robust basis!

Herring demonstrates his versatility as a contemporary musician here. Furthermore, he experiments with his technique and he rises out with distinction! Also, given his performance, it’s easy to forget that he’s also a rapper, especially since his agility allows him to switch between contemporary singing and rap deliveries depending on the type of song he is performing; awe-inspiring!

The ‘King Of Sweden’ production immediately stands out with star differentia. Moreover, the band leverage their unique ability to craft top-class synth-pop; their synergy with one another pays off tremendously. Also, their passion for this type of music is palpable, and they all rise to the occasion with fervour!

You can listen to ‘King Of Sweden’ by Future Islands below. Also, be sure to let us know your thoughts on this new release by commenting beneath this article. As always, we love to hear your feedback. So, do you think this is one of the best new singles from Future Islands? Also, are you planning to head out and see the band on tour this year?

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Emily Harris