Jejune stopped by for a chat!

Colby: What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Musician?

Jejune: Absolutely everything, the lessons the songwriting provide. The energy the instruments provide. The people you meet. The self-promo is a bit of brat, but hey ho. I’ll take it over something I don’t like doing any day.

Colby: Which Track Of Yours Means The Most To You?

Jejune: At this moment in time, I’d say Orbit. This track will show Jejune in a different light because of the different energy, different methods and different the emotion we used within it. We’re proper excited to show everyone this one in the next few months.

Colby: The First-Ever Gig You Played, Can You Remember It? How Was It?

Jejune: First ever gig, I think it was an Ex Servicemen’s club. So we essentially got booked to play to a room full of retired coppers/firemen/army etc. Joe Birrell, of whom I have some of my fondest early musical memories with, and myself, played an open day there a few weeks before and brought everyone down and it went alright, so then they asked us to come back but this time it was a private do, and this time it was basically the equivalent of Marilyn Manson turning up to an Orthodox Christian church for a gig, a juxtaposition at it’s least. The exact sentence we overheard after the set was “they were alright, but I wouldn’t have them back in here”. So yeah, what’s life without a little balance.

Colby: What Do You Think Is The Key To Success As A Musician?

Jejune: I think it all starts with you, it’s going to be a tug of war throughout. But the decisions you make regarding everything you do will be vital. Do your thing, if you love it enough, success will come.

 Colby: If You Wasn’t A Musician, What Job Would You Be Doing?

Jejune: Probably a door to door marketer with all these plugs for Boogie Juice we’ve had to DM to people on social media. Man, we’ve been pestering. But people always open a window to let the flies out, right?

George Millington