In a display of resilience and humor, Pink recently faced down an internet troll who took to X (formerly Twitter) to criticize her age. The Grammy-winning artist, known for hits like “Raise Your Glass,” responded with both grace and a touch of sarcasm to put the ageist remarks to rest.

The troll remarked on Pink “getting old,” prompting the 44-year-old singer to respond assertively. Pink emphasized that age is merely a number and proudly declared that she is aging gracefully. In a tweet on Tuesday, she shared, “Yes, although I don’t feel old, and I still get to wear a leotard to work, growing older is actually my first ‘grateful’ every day.”

Acknowledging the blessing of life and the passage of years, Pink conveyed a positive outlook on aging, embracing each day with gratitude. However, she didn’t stop there; Pink later returned to the thread with a dose of humor aimed at the troll.

“To be this strong, to be able to still piss off complete strangers just by existing. F–k yeah times 44!” she quipped, celebrating her strength, resilience, and ability to ruffle feathers with her mere existence.

Pink’s response resonated with her fans, who praised her for handling the situation with a blend of class and humor. The singer has long been an advocate for self-empowerment and authenticity, and this latest exchange on social media only reinforces her reputation as a force to be reckoned with. As Pink continues to inspire and entertain, it’s clear that age is truly just a number for this iconic artist.

George Millington