‘Easy Thing’ by Snail Mail – Single Rating: 4/5 ★★★★

‘Easy Thing’, by Snail Mail is a glimpse into their forthcoming Valentine (Demos) EP, celebrating the two-year anniversary of the Valentine LP release. With this track, Lindsey Jordan continues to impress with her signature indie rock sound and lyrical introspection.

‘Easy Thing’ carries an ethereal quality that immediately takes us to a tranquil realm. Also, the delicate guitar tones serve as an escape, gently guiding us away from the chaos of our surroundings. As the song progresses, the divine vocals emerge, adding an extra layer of beauty to the auditory encounter. Moreover, Jordan’s layered vocals create a sense of depth that is truly enchanting, drawing us deep into the song’s embrace.

What sets ‘Easy Thing’ apart are the textures woven throughout the track. They are intricate and immersive, making it all too easy to lose oneself within the music. Also, at times, there are subtle hints of influences reminiscent of The Beatles, showcasing Snail Mail’s ability to blend timeless elements with their contemporary indie rock sensibilities.

Lyrically, the song delves into themes of reflection and nostalgia, with lines like “And ain’t I that same girl you loved? / Falling in love with such losers for what?” Jordan’s introspective lyrics invite listeners to ponder the complexities of love and self-discovery, adding a layer of emotional depth to the music.

So, wait no longer! You can take a listen to ‘Easy Thing’ by Snail Mail below. Also, be sure to let us know your thoughts to this new release by commenting beneath this article. As always, we love to hear your feedback. So, do you think that this is one of the best new singles from Snail Mail? Also, are you looking forward to more new music?

Be Sure To Follow The Playlist Below For More New Music!

Becky Anderson