‘ONE MORE TIME’ by Blink-182 – Single Rating: 5/5 ★★★★★

‘ONE MORE TIME’ by Blink-182 is a touching song that delves into the band’s past and the significant influence of life-altering events on their relationships. Also, Tom DeLonge and Mark Hoppus’ words evoke nostalgia and melancholy as the band reflect on their journey.

The song opens with a contemplation on the metamorphosis of strangers into brothers and then back into strangers. This highlights the complexity of the band’s close-knit friendships and how they might dissolve with time. The lyrics convey a sense of longing and squandered possibilities, with lines like “I couldn’t even recognize my friends” allude to the difficulties they’ve endured.

Mark Hoppus adds his voice, evoking a sense of immobility in the present, when nothing changes despite the passage of time. The concept of being unprepared for sickness or unexpected tragedy lends sensitivity to the song.

The pre-chorus asks profound concerns about the need of expressing love and gratitude before it’s too late, alluding to the regrets that might come to haunt us if we wait too long. The chorus, with its repeated request for “one more time,” emphasises the notion of yearning to go back in time. Also, to treasure the experiences that have passed.

‘ONE MORE TIME’ has a more restrained musical style, allowing the vocals and words to take centre stage. The song’s emotional depth is enhanced by the stripped-down arrangement. Moreover, it creates an intimate environment that draws the listener into the band’s musings.

You can take a listen below. So, do you think that this is one of the best new releases from Blink-182? Also, are you looking forward to more new releases? Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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Becky Anderson