Tom from North Ship stopped by for a chat!

Colby: What Do You Enjoy Most About Being A Musician?

Tom: Creativity is an itch you just have to scratch. I enjoy the temporary relief when a song turns out well.

Colby: Which Track Of Yours Means The Most To You?

Tom: They’re all important in their own way so I can’t really answer that. Scent is very personal, though. It’s a reaction to losing Guy Bailey, who was the co-founder of The Quireboys. He was one of my oldest friends.

Colby: The First-Ever Gig You Played, Can You Remember It? How Was It?

Tom: I think I was 18 or 19. The group I was in played a couple of songs at my mate’s school. I was absolutely petrified. Fortunately, nobody thought to record it.

Colby: What Do You Think Is The Key To Success As A Musician?

Tom: Keep all your senses tuned and always bear in mind that nothing is wasted.

Colby: If You Wasn’t A Musician, What Job Would You Be Doing?

Tom: I know because I’m doing it! I’m a writer.

Stream North Ship’s new single, ‘Scent’ here.

Colby Morrel
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