We simply can’t get enough of ‘Ceasefire!’ – the latest single by Sari Jordan. It’s a musical delivery we didn’t even know we were missing! As soon as the track kicks off, it envelops us in a warm, nostalgic embrace that instantly grabs our attention. We find ourselves on the edge of our seats, eagerly anticipating what’s coming next. Sari’s vocals are a pure delight, filled with a passion that seeps through every note.

From the city of New Orleans, Sari Jordan brings a unique hook to ‘Ceasefire!’ The song beautifully encapsulates various aspects of conflict and resilience. Sari’s message is crystal clear – sometimes, the protective walls we build around ourselves can inadvertently obstruct our view of the bigger picture, leading to miscommunication and confusion. This dreamy track is like a musical balm for the soul, perfect for blasting in the car as you drive away from a heated argument.

You can listen below.

Becky Anderson